E15: How to Stop Typecasting Yourself

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Just like Iris in The Holiday had to learn to be the leading lady of her own life, we also should take charge of the narrative as the main characters in our own lives. This includes letting go of other people's preconceived notions of who we 'should' be.

Following on from last episode, I wanted to carry on the topic of viewing our lives as a movie and talk about how to stop typecasting yourself. Because we don't (and shouldn't) need to be the same all the time! We have the power to change and adapt our character arc anytime the old one doesn't serve us anymore.

And just like the Main Character Energy episode, I drop some affirmations at the end to remind you of the unique powerhouse you are. 

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E16: Aries Archetypes & The Astrological New Year


E14: Main Character Energy