E37: Your Magic is Unconditional


In today's solo episode, we delve into the concept of unconditional magic. Inspired by the idea of unconditional love, we explore the notion that our magic—the essence of our unique soul—is always present and unchanging, regardless of external circumstances.

Just like the sun that continues to exist even behind clouds, our magic is constant and everlasting.

In this episode, we discuss:

  • How our magic is not limited to moments of flow or success, but rather an inherent part of who we are.

  • Self-acceptance and embracing our whole selves, including the shadow parts, as foundational to self-love.

  • The power of community and loved ones reflecting our magic back to us during times of disconnection.

  • We highlight the countless ways our magic touches others' lives, even when we may not be aware of it.

We also end the episode with a heartfelt pep talk from my own journal, reminding you of your worth and capability. I encourage you to trust your own expansion and embrace all seasons of your journey, and eemember that you can never lose what is already yours.

If you want to learn more about your birth chart, how to harness its energy into your personal style, and start embodying your highest self, click here to book a Star-Aligned Style Reading.

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E38: Crafting Your Style on Your Terms


E36: Letting Go of Alignment