E38: Crafting Your Style on Your Terms


This week's episode is a theme that is ever-present in this podcast and my work with my styling clients: crafting your style on your terms. Join me as we explore what that means, the art of self-expression through fashion, the power of authenticity, and the journey of discovering your unique style identity. Get ready to embrace your true self and celebrate the beauty of individuality!

What we discuss in the episode:

  • Owning and embracing authenticity to build confidence in your personal style.

  • Exploring the journey of self-discovery and getting to know ourselves on a deeper level.

  • Trusting our body's wisdom and identifying our full-body yeses and noes.

  • The evolution of personal style as a reflection of soul expansion and integration.

  • Reclaiming style on your own terms to celebrate and express your authentic self.

  • Drawing inspiration from the LGBTQ+ community in defying societal norms.

Crafting your style on your own terms is an empowering journey of self-expression and self-discovery. By embracing authenticity and trusting your inner wisdom, you can create a personal style that truly reflects who you are. Let go of the pressure to conform and celebrate your individuality!

New to my styling services? Click here to book a Star-Aligned Style Reading , and learn more about how you can integrate birth chart into your personal style and start embodying your highest self.

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E37: Your Magic is Unconditional